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State by State Background

Wyoming Cannabis Advertising Laws

Download the State By State Cannabis Ad Regulations Ebook

Wyoming State Advertising Regulations

In Wyoming, advertising for retail marijuana or products must only feature items legally manufactured in the state. Ads must clearly identify the licensee by including their license number, avoid misleading or deceptive content, and not target individuals under 21. Direct communications must verify the recipient's age, and giving away marijuana products for promotions is prohibited. Health claims in ads must be truthful, and outdoor ads cannot be placed within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, or residential areas, with certain exceptions and requirements for sign placement. Noncommercial speech is exempt from these regulations.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

  • Clear Branding: Prominently display the license number and business name.
  • Age-Appropriate Design: Use mature designs that avoid appealing to those under 21.
  • Informative Content: Focus on legal and safety aspects without health claims.
  • Local Focus: Highlight Wyoming-made products and local businesses.
  • Distance Compliance: Place outdoor ads to meet distance requirements from schools and other restricted areas.
  • Digital Verification: Implement robust age-verification on digital platforms.
  • Synopsis:

    No person shall advertise in or send any advertising material into Wyoming about or concerning retail marijuana or retail marijuana products other than those that may be legally manufactured in Wyoming under the provisions of this chapter.

    (c)  Advertising or marketing used by or on behalf of a licensee shall:

    (i)  Accurately and legibly identify the licensee responsible for its content by adding, at a minimum, the licensee's license number;

    (ii)  Not be misleading, deceptive or false;

    (iii)  Not have a high likelihood of reaching and not be designed to appeal particularly to persons under twenty‑one (21) years of age;

    (iv)  Comply with any other advertising rule of the board.

    (d)  Any advertising or marketing involving direct, individualized communication or dialogue controlled by the licensee shall utilize a method of age affirmation to verify that the recipient is at least twenty‑one (21) years of age before engaging in that communication or dialogue. For purposes of this subsection, the method of age affirmation may include user confirmation, birthdate disclosure or any other similar registration method.

    (e)  No licensee shall give away any amount of retail marijuana, retail marijuana products or marijuana accessories as part of a business promotion or any other commercial activity.

    (f)  No licensee shall include on the label of any retail marijuana or retail marijuana product or publish or disseminate advertising containing any health‑related statement that is untrue or tends to create a misleading impression as to the effects on health of marijuana consumption.

    (g)  All outdoor advertising of retail marijuana or retail marijuana products shall comply with the following:

    (i)  No outdoor retail marijuana or retail marijuana product advertising shall be placed within one thousand (1,000) linear feet of a church or other place of religious worship, any school facility, any facility of an institution of higher education, any playground or recreational facility or a dwelling used for residential use. If an advertisement is displayed and a facility specified in this paragraph is constructed or opened to where the advertisement would violate this paragraph, the licensee shall remove the advertisement not later than one (1) year after the opening of the facility or the expiration of any lease or contract for the advertisement, whichever is sooner;

    (ii)  The board may grant a permit authorizing a variance from the distance requirements of this subsection upon a finding that the placement of retail marijuana or retail marijuana product advertising on a sign will not unduly expose persons under twenty‑one (21) years of age to marijuana and marijuana product advertising;

    (iii)  The outdoor advertising distance requirements contained in this section shall not apply to signs placed by licensees upon the property on which the licensed premises is located, provided that the signs are in compliance with any local ordinances or resolutions;

    (iv)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize billboard signs containing retail marijuana or retail marijuana product advertising on property zoned agricultural or residential or on any unzoned property;

    (v)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize new billboard signs containing retail marijuana or retail marijuana product advertising that would otherwise be prohibited by law;

    (vi)  All lawfully erected outdoor retail marijuana or retail marijuana product signs shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and any applicable rules of the state transportation commission if the signs are located on the right‑of‑way of a public highway.

    (h)  The provisions of this section shall not apply or be construed to apply to any noncommercial speech.


    Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.