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State by State Background

Ohio Cannabis Advertising Laws

Download the State By State Cannabis Ad Regulations Ebook

Ohio State Advertising Regulations

Ohio cannabis regulations mandate that all advertisements must be submitted to the Board of Pharmacy prior to approval.

For purposes of this rule "advertisement" means any written or verbal statement, illustration, or depiction created to induce sales through a combination of letters, pictures, objects, lighting effects, illustrations, or other similar means. An "advertisement" includes brochures, promotional material, and other marketing materials. An advertisement that renders marijuana or medical marijuana products attractive to children is prohibited.

An advertisement for a dispensary, regardless of the medium, shall not:

(1) Include any image bearing a resemblance to a cartoon character, a fictional character whose target audience is children or youth, or pop culture icon;

(2) Market, distribute, offer, sell, license or cause to be marketed, distributed, offered sold, or licensed, any apparel or other merchandise related to the sale of marijuana, to an individual under eighteen years of age.

No dispensary shall place or maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained, an advertisement of medical marijuana or medical marijuana products, including paraphernalia, in any form or through any medium or in a public transit vehicle or public transit shelter.

A dispensary shall not use a name, logo, sign or advertisement unless the name, logo, sign or advertisement has been submitted to the state board of pharmacy and the applicable advertising approval fee has been paid.

Materials submitted to the board shall include, but are not limited to:

(1) A brief description of the format, medium and length of the distribution;

(2) Verification that an actual patient is not being used on the advertisement;

(3) Verification that an official translation of a foreign language advertisement is accurate;

(4) Annotated references to support statements related to effectiveness of treatment; and

(5) A final copy of the advertisement, including a video where applicable, in a format acceptable to the board.

A dispensary shall not illuminate a sign advertising medical marijuana at any time.

If the state board of pharmacy does not complete one of the actions permitted under paragraph (D)(1) of this rule within the applicable review period, the submitted materials may be used in accordance with this division. Failure by the board to act within the applicable review period, however, does not constitute a waiver of its authority to undertake any of the actions permitted by this rule and the rules promulgated pursuant to Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code, if it is subsequently determined that the submitted material violates any provision of this Chapter 3796 of the Revised Code or this division.

Beginning September 9, 2019, the board shall have ten business days to review materials submitted above regulation of this rule.

After the state board of pharmacy reviews the proposed advertisement, the board may:

(a) Require a specific disclosure be made in the advertisement in a clear and conspicuous manner if the advertisement would be false or misleading without such a disclosure;

(b) Make recommendations with respect to changes that are necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; or

(c) Prohibit the use of the advertisement.

An advertisement for a dispensary, regardless of the medium, shall not contain any statement, design, representation, picture or illustration that is:

(a) False or misleading;

(b) A departure from the medical marijuana registered name, including, marijuana leaves, slang terms, and similar references;

(c) Disparaging to a competitor's products;

(d) Obscene or indecent; or

(e) Related to the safety or efficacy of marijuana, unless supported by substantial evidence or substantial clinical data.

An advertisement for a dispensary, regardless of the medium, shall not suggest or otherwise indicate that the product or entity in the advertisement has been approved or endorsed by the department of commerce, the state board of pharmacy, the state of Ohio or any person or entity associated with the state of Ohio.

A dispensary shall not advertise medical marijuana brand names or use graphics related to medical marijuana on the exterior of the building in which the dispensary is operating.

A dispensary may develop a website or otherwise establish a web presence advertising the name, business address, contact information, and services provided by a dispensary. A dispensary operating a website shall require age affirmation of at least eighteen years of age by the user before access to the website is granted.

A dispensary that establishes any type of web presences shall not:

(1) Allow for direct engagement between consumers or user generated content or reviews;

(2) Provide a medium for website users to transmit website content to individuals under the age of eighteen;

(3) Display or otherwise post content that has not been submitted to the state board of pharmacy pursuant to this rule;

(4) Facilitate sales transactions to any patient, caregiver, or medical marijuana entity;

(5) Target a consumer audience under the age of eighteen; or

(6) Maintain a web presence in violation of Chapter 3796. of the Revised Code or this division.

A dispensary shall not No dispensary shall license or otherwise expressly authorize any third party to use or advertise in a manner prohibited by this division. This rule, as it pertains to advertisements, does not apply to a noncommercial message.

No dispensary shall place or maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained, an advertisement of medical marijuana or medical marijuana products, including paraphernalia, in any form or through any medium:

(1) Within five hundred feet of the perimeter of a prohibited facility, a community addiction services provider as defined under section 5119.01 of the Revised Code, a game arcade admission to which is not restricted to persons aged twenty one years or older, or any other location where the placement of the advertisement targets or is attractive to children, as determined by the state board of pharmacy;

(2) On a billboard;

(3) On a radio or television broadcast;

(a) A radio or television broadcast includes a system for transmitting sound alone or visual images and sound; and

(b) Includes broadcast cable, on demand, satellite, or internet programming.

An advertisement for a dispensary, regardless of the medium, shall not encourage the use of medical marijuana for a condition other than a qualifying medical condition.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

(a) Must be approved by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy

all advertising must remain compliant with medical marijuana rules, until rules are adopted under O.A.C. 1301:18. In an effort to provide clear expectations regarding the advertising of dual-use sales once a licensee receives a dual-use certificate of operation, the Division is issuing the following guidance and template.

A licensee may choose to utilize the dual-use advertising template provided by the Division below. If utilizing this template with only the permitted elements, submission of the advertisement for Division review and approval is not required.

All logos, names, and websites used must have been previously approved by the Division.

The Division will not approve any other advertisements that contain recreational references until rules are adopted under O.A.C. 1301:18. The advertisement may only be used in a manner and location permitted by, and otherwise compliant with, O.A.C. 3796:5-7-01 and 3796:6-3-24.

Any advertisements that violate these rules or guidance provided are subject to enforcement action by the Division. Dispensary Dual-Use Sales Advertising Template As a reminder, O.A.C. 3796:5-7-01 and 3796:6-3-24 do not permit advertisements which are inconsistent with the medicinal and approved use of medical marijuana.

However, in an effort to provide public awareness of where and when non-medical cannabis can be purchased, the following elements may be used by licensees in advertisements. Permitted elements are listed below. Any elements listed in quotation marks indicates the exact language that must be used to be in compliance with the template. “Non-Medical Cannabis Available beginning [date]”

Approved dispensary name

Approved dispensary logo

“Open to customers 21+ with a valid government-issued photographic ID”

Dispensary location(s), including street address and city

Approved dispensary hours of operation

Approved dispensary business website

Approved dispensary social media handles

“Online orders accepted”

“Drive-thru available”


The state of Ohio has a compelling state interest to ensure that any advertisement, or marketing campaign related to cannabis,

  • does not encourage or promote excessive use, intoxication, overconsumption,
  • use of cannabis in a manner not authorized
  • not attractive to children.

(A) No licensee shall create, use, or disseminate, or cause to be created, used, or disseminated, an advertisement that is any of the following:

(1) False or misleading;

(2) Obscene or indecent;

(3) Attractive to children;

(4) Includes any image or text referencing or resembling a cartoon character, fictional character whose target audience is children or youth, or pop culture icon;

(5) Encourages the consumption of cannabis in a manner that leads to excessive use, intoxication, overconsumption, or in combination or conjunction with other intoxicants, illegal substances, or in a method not otherwise authorized by this chapter;

(6) Contains a depiction of cannabis consumption or administration;

(7) A departure from the cannabis registered name, including, slang terms, and similar references;

(8) Disparaging to a competitor’s products;

(9) Contains a health-related statement unless documentation meeting the standards set by the division demonstrates that the specific health-related statement is supported by substantial evidence or substantial clinical data;

(10) Suggests, or otherwise indicates, that the advertisement has been approved or endorsed by the division, the state of Ohio or any person or entity associated with the state of Ohio, or any other person without their consent;

(11) Violates state of Ohio or federal trademark or copyright law; or

(12) Or otherwise violates any provision of chapter or the rules promulgated pursuant to chapters 3780 or 3796 of the Revised Code.

(B) No licensee shall place or maintain, or cause to be placed or maintained, an advertisement for cannabis, whether medical or adult-use, cannabis products, or cannabis-related paraphernalia, in any form or through any of the following medium:

(1) On a medium with a high likelihood of reaching persons under the age of eighteen;

(2) Within five hundred feet of the end boundaries of a parcel of real estate having situated on it a prohibited facility;

(3) On a billboard;

(4) On a radio or television broadcast or internet programming;

(5) Left upon any private property without the consent of the property owner;

(6) On or in a public transit vehicle or public transit shelter;

(7) On or in a stadium or arena;

(8) On or in a publicly owned or operated property; or

(9) At any scheduled event, which includes conferences, trade shows, or similar events, which a licensee plans to attend, participate, or sponsor, whether it be educational or otherwise, unless the licensee provides written notification to the division of its intent to attend at least ten business days prior to the event.

(C) A licensee may market, sell, or license merchandise to individuals eighteen years of age or older so long as the licensee ensures the following:

(1) Any merchandise sold contains only depictions, representations, or branding previously approved by the division.

(2) No licensee shall market, distribute, offer, sell, license, or cause to be marketed, distributed, offered, sold, or licensed any merchandise related to any entity licensed under this chapter, cannabis, or cannabis paraphernalia, to an individual under eighteen years of age.

(D) A licensee may develop a website or otherwise establish a web presence advertising the name, business address, contact information, and services provided by the licensee which requires age affirmation of at least eighteen years of age by the user before gaining access to licensee’s website. A licensee operating a website shall not do any of the following:

(1) Provide a medium for website users to transmit website content to individuals under the age of eighteen; and

2) Display or otherwise post content that violates chapter 3780 or 3796 of the Revised Code. or these rules.

(E) A licensee may utilize a sign that is located within the external boundaries of the parcel on which the licensee is located.

(F) A licensee may photograph, record, or create other media depicting the licensed premises so long as the licensee ensures:

(1) The confidentiality of all patients, caregivers, and adult-use consumers; and

(2) No media compromises the safety and security of the licensed premises.

(G) No licensee shall license, encourage, or otherwise authorize any affiliated or third party to use or advertise in a manner prohibited by this division.

(H) Should the division determine that a licensee’s advertisement violates any of the regulations outlined under this chapter the division may:

(1) Require a specific disclosure be made in the advertisement in a clear and conspicuous manner if the advertisement would be false or misleading without such a disclosure;

(2) Make recommendations with respect to changes that are necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare;

(3) Prohibit the use of the advertisement; or

(4) Investigate and proceed with any action as permitted.

• (I) A licensee may submit in a manner prescribed by the division an advertisement for review prior to use or disbursement to ensure the advertisement complies with all requirements with this rule.

Social Media Advertising Rules

Any social media post planned by a medical cannabis operator are required to send the post to the Ohio Board of Pharmacy at least 14 days prior to posting for review and approval. It is not rare for social media post ideas to be denied, and often the designs will be required to have some edits made.

Ohio Advertising/Marketing Materials Submission Document
Ohio Recreational Marijuana Advertising Rules


Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.