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Native Advertising

Seamlessly integrate ads with platform content to enhance user engagement and trust while delivering higher click-through rates and conversions.
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Target Cannabis Audiences with Native Ads

Native ads inspire curiosity by seamlessly blending into high-quality blogs and articles on topics that interest the target audience. From in-feed ads to sponsored or recommended content, these ad types are made to be non-disruptive to the user experience and can generate higher engagement rates when compared to traditional display ads.  

By offering relevant, trust-building content, native ads subtly highlight products as a solution to the reader’s challenges. Rather than relying on obvious promotions, native advertising feels like a serendipitous discovery.

Target Cannabis Audience with native ads

What is Native Advertising?

Driven by content, cannabis native ads are a non-intrusive approach to customer engagement because they match the style, tone, and format of surrounding content on a given platform. Brands that avoid disrupting user experiences by blending in with content that an audience is already consuming improve user engagement and hold viewer attention much longer than traditional advertising formats, seeing greater purchase intent and brand trust over time.

What is Native Advertising

Native Advertising Benefits

Native advertising plays a pivotal role in the consideration phase of a marketing funnel by seamlessly integrating brand messages into the fabric of online content. This approach enhances brand visibility and engrains a sense of trust and authenticity among consumers. Serving a native ad alongside contextually relevant content increases the chances that the user will find the information engaging and meaningful, ultimately contributing to the marketing campaign's overall success.

Key Benefits of Native Advertising Icon

Matching content styles, tone, and format allows native ads to blend with surrounding articles, avoiding a disruptive experience.

Benefits of Native Ads Icon

Increase engagement by offering valuable information alongside brand messaging.

Studies show native ads generate higher click-through rates and engagement metrics compared to traditional banner ads.

Native Advertising Advantages Icon

Subtly influence purchase decisions by integrating brand messaging within informative content.

Native Advertising Benefits
Native Advertising Benefits Dashboard
The MediaJel Platform

Maximize Your Digital Impact with ECommerce Attribution

Understanding your digital impact is vital to boosting your reach and profits. With seamless MediaJel and e-Commerce attribution, you’ll always know where you stand—and where you want to go next.

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We Integrate With

See Cannabis Native Ads in Action

Experience the power of native advertising solutions firsthand—book a demo today and see how our innovative platform drives full-funnel conversion for dispensaries. 

Execute Omni Channel Campaigns

Execute Omni-Channel Campaigns with MediaJel

Great Alone, Better Together!

Score unbelievable results by combining the power of Search Engine Optimization, Programmatic Advertising, and Google and Bing Ads, into a comprehensive cannabis marketing strategy that drives more customers to your website and store. By targeting messaging to the individual level, you can engage customers at different stages of their buying journey and maximize the chance of purchase.


Attract potential customers conducting research on solutions and products.


Drive traffic to your site with sponsored posts offering informative content in reputable contexts.


Maintain brand visibility across a network of 75,000 mainstream media platforms.


Captivate audiences with captivating visuals and audio to tell your brand's story effectively.

Connected TV

Engage television viewers through precise targeting and analytics.


Reach out to dedicated listeners even when their screens are inactive.

Digital Out-of-Home

Interact with audiences on the move through outdoor advertising.

Contextual Targeting Solutions

Customize ad placements alongside relevant content using advanced AI targeting methods.


Captivate your audience through direct text messages with tailored promotions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cannabis native advertising?

Cannabis native advertising seamlessly integrates promotional content into online platforms by mimicking the format and style of the surrounding content to provide a non-disruptive user experience. In short, native ads are the same as sponsored posts. This form of advertising often appears as articles, videos, or social media posts, blending in with the organic content of the platform while still delivering a promotional message.

How do cannabis native ads differ from traditional advertising?

Compared to traditional advertising, cannabis native advertising is less overt and intrusive, as it doesn't disrupt the user's browsing experience with flashy banners or pop-ups. Instead, it aims to engage audiences by offering valuable information or entertainment within the context of the platform, fostering a sense of trust and credibility.

What are the benefits of cannabis native advertising for businesses?

The benefits of investing in native advertising platforms include increased brand awareness, enhanced audience engagement, and improved credibility. By seamlessly integrating promotional content into media that consumers already consume, businesses can reach their target audience, build relationships, and drive conversions without coming across as overly salesy or intrusive.