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Cannabis MSO

Dominate market share and level up your media strategies with advanced tech that customizes campaigns by region.

Header MSO

Scale Your Cannabis MSO With Confidence

You've built your digital foundation; the time has come to scale, test, and iterate. Cannabis MSO companies need bespoke marketing solutions with top-tier creative and data-informed strategies that transcend state lines.

Video and CTV 

Engage a broad audience through visual storytelling.


Capture attention in high-traffic areas with location-based ads.

Contextual Targeting

Deliver relevant ads based on audience content preferences.

Lookalike Audiences 

Leverage your first-party data to identify new prospects.
MSO Marketing Challenge

Cannabis MSO Marketing Challenges

When every state acts as its own country with a set of rules and regulations, region-to-region compliance is a moving target for MSO cannabis companies.

First, you have to understand each community because every state and region is different. With that foundational understanding, your brand will connect, build trust, and generate excitement about your stores, or products.

Cannabis Dispensary Challenges

Cannabis Dispensary Challenges

When every state acts as its own country with a set of rules and regulations, region-to-region compliance is a moving target for MSO cannabis companies.

First, you have to understand each community because every state and region is different. With that foundational understanding, your brand will connect, build trust, and generate excitement about products. 

MediaJel tailors our stack of marketing solutions to help each dispensary overcome their pressing obstacles and thrive in their distinct market.

State By State Compliance

Compliance varies from region to region, as every state acts as its own country with a set of rules and regulations. Marketing compliance experts are required to keep brands safe and campaigns compliant.

State by state compliance
Reaching Right-Fit Audiences

Building trust and brand awareness across diverse customer groups with relevant and timely messaging.

MSOs have to develop go-to-market strategies that intimately understand their regional consumer behaviors, demographics, and interests and then build brand awareness starting from scratch every time they enter a new market.

Reaching right fit audience
Omnichannel Cross-Device Experiences

It is not easy to keep messaging and visuals consistent across many touchpoints, including website, content, social channels, ads, customer service experiences, and point of sale.

Omni-channel experience
Identify Reliable ROAS

Inexperienced marketers are trying to capitalize on the Green Rush at your expense but they don’t understand the intricacies of launching marketing campaigns and showing attributable revenue.

Many cannabis businesses struggle to analyze data and don’t have the right team to connect campaigns to ROAS, or measure brand lift.

Media Buying Support

Cannabis MSO’s may not want to incur the cost of hiring full-time media buyers so they have to contract parts of their marketing strategies to agencies to execute ad buys for CTV, Display, and DOOH.

Media Buying Support

Strategic Expansion Through Compliant Marketing Solutions


In-house compliance. Brand-safe inventory. Rigorous standards.

Our expert team diligently monitors state guidelines, guaranteeing that your ads capture attention and your brand remains protected in restrictive and distinctly different cannabis markets.


Activate data. Reach prospects. Layer acquisition strategies.

Whether prospecting or retargeting, The MediaJel Platform is your data partner for activating highly engaged audience segments.

Target third-party audiences built with regional nuances in mind or expand first-party data into lookalike audiences to engage new customers.

Roll Out Omnichannel Campaigns

Cross-device audiences. Consistent experiences. Diverse appeal.

Leverage innovative approaches across digital channels, including display, CTV, and DOOH.

MediaJel builds consistent experiences across all consumer devices and brand touch points.

Real-time Metrics & Transparent ROAS

Instant Data. Transparent Revenue Dashboard. Clear Insights.

Real-time access to analytics and performance data through our transparent platform enables continuous monitoring of campaign impact, revenue attribution, and data-driven decision-making.

From impressions to clicks and revenue we track the metrics that prove ROI.

Customized Multi-state Strategies

National Experience. State-Specific Insights. Individualized Strategies.

Leverage our extensive experience and understanding of the cannabis industry to tailor Cannabis MSO marketing strategies to the nuances of each state's regulations and audience preferences.

Your Marketing partner

Objective-Driven. Collaboration-Oriented. Aligned-Direction.

With our multi-touch attribution modeling, we help you consider a broader set of related indicators to better understand the financial value of your “lift” in brand recognition, traffic, and dispensary sales both online and in-store.

How We Do It

Boost Your Digital Presence


CTV - remote control in front of a television.


DOOH with a picture


Video assed holding a tablet.

Google Ads

Google Ads  a cell phone


SEP A laptop computer
The MediaJel Platform

Revenue Attribution Platform that Crosses State Lines

Our cannabis marketing dashboard traces ad impressions from initial exposure to final transactions.

Scale your business by targeting entire regions, expanding across state lines, and delivering incredible display, video, and CTV ads that transcend the industry.

Leverage MediaJel's compliant cannabis digital marketing solutions to launch compliant MSO Cannabis ad campaigns.

Cannabis MSO Platform

Case Studies

Cannabis MSO Success Stories
ad spend
ad spend

Cannabis MSO Resources

MSO Cannabis Marketing to Win
Market Share

The race for market share will continue to pick up speed, fueled by expanding creativity and advancements in technology.

Now is the time for Cannabis MSO companies to pull ahead of the pack. We’ll help you find prospects, engage local audiences, and build your markets across state lines while addressing your key Cannabis MSO challenges.

Connect about your Cannabis MSO marketing strategy today!

MSO lets get started