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State by State Background

North Dakota Cannabis Advertising Laws

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North Dakota State Advertising Regulations

North Dakota’s medical cannabis laws requires that all advertisements are subject to Department approval aides from an age-gated business website listing location, hours, and product pricing.

Listed below are the provisions regarding digital advertising:

A dispensary may display its business name and logo on labels, signs, websites, and informational material provided to registered qualifying patients and registered designated caregivers.

The name or logo may not include:

(1) Images of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia;

(2) Colloquial references to marijuana;

(3) Names of marijuana plant strains;

(4) Medical symbols that bear a reasonable resemblance to established medical associations, including the American Medical Association or American Academy of Pediatrics.

All marketing or advertising activities not covered under the previous subsections are subject to department approval. The compassion center shall request approval from the department, and the department shall approve or deny the request within thirty calendar days.

A manufacturing facility may contain:

(1) The facility name;

(2) Phone number;

(3) Other information as approved by the department.

A manufacturing facility may display its business name and logo on labels, websites, and informational material.

The name or logo may not include:

(1) Images of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia;

(2) Colloquial references to marijuana;

(3) Names of marijuana plant strains;

(4) Medical symbols that bear a resemblance to established medical associations, including the American medical association or American Academy of Pediatrics.

A dispensary may maintain a website that may contain:

(1) The facility name;

(2) Contact information;

(3) Hours of operation;

(4) The usable marijuana offered;

(5) Product pricing;

(6) Other information as approved by the department.

A manufacturing facility may not use strain or brand names containing any words that refer to products commonly associated with minors, marketed to minors, or any names that are false or misleading.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

  • Approval & Compliance: Obtain department approval for all marketing and advertising activities and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Logo & Name Restrictions: Avoid including images of marijuana, paraphernalia, colloquial references, strain names, and medical symbols resembling established medical associations.
  • Website Requirements: Websites must display the facility name, contact info, hours of operation, product offerings, and pricing, with all information being age-gated and approved by the department.
  • Content Restrictions: Use names and branding that do not appeal to minors and avoid misleading or false names.
  • Marketing Material: Dispensaries and manufacturing facilities may use business names and logos on approved labels, signs, websites, and informational materials, following department guidelines.


Section 33-44-01-23 - Advertising and marketing

1. A dispensary may:

a. Display its business name and logo on labels, signs, websites, and informational material provided to registered qualifying patients and registered designated caregivers. The name or logo may not include:

(1) Images of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.

(2) Colloquial references to marijuana.

(3) Names of marijuana plant strains.

(4) Medical symbols that bear a reasonable resemblance to established medical associations, including the American medical association or American academy of pediatrics.

b. Maintain a website that may contain:

(1) The facility name.

(2) Contact information.

(3) Hours of operation.

(4) The usable marijuana offered.

(5) Product pricing.

(6) Other information as approved by the department.

2. A manufacturing facility may display its business name and logo on labels, websites, and informational material.

a. The name or logo may not include:

(1) Images of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.

(2) Colloquial references to marijuana.

(3) Names of marijuana plant strains.

(4) Medical symbols that bear a reasonable resemblance to established medical associations, including the American medical association or American academy of pediatrics.

b. Maintain a website that may contain:

(1) The facility name.

(2) Phone number.

(3) Other information as approved by the department.


Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.