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State by State Background

Minnesota Cannabis Advertising Laws

Download the State By State Cannabis Ad Regulations Ebook

Minnesota State Advertising Regulations

Patients in the North Star State may purchase their non-smokable cannabis medicine at a dispensary (adult-use is not legal). Commercial delivery is prohibited.

Other provisions related to digital advertising:

A medical cannabis manufacturer may display the manufacturer’s business name and logo on medical cannabis labels, signs, website, and informational material provided to patients.

The name or logo must not include images of cannabis or cannabis-smoking paraphernalia.

The name or logo must not include images of cannabis or cannabis-smoking paraphernalia.

The name or logo must not include names of cannabis plant strains.

Marketing and advertising activities require commissioner approval. A medical cannabis manufacturer must request and receive the commissioner’s written approval before beginning these activities.

The name or logo must not include names of cannabis plant strains or medical symbols that bear a reasonable resemblance to established medical associations. Examples of established medical organizations include the American Medical Association or the American Academy of Pediatrics. The use of medical symbols is subject to approval by the commissioner.

A medical cannabis manufacturer must arrange merchandise displays, interior signs, and other exhibits to prevent public viewing from outside the manufacturing and distribution facilities.

A medical cannabis manufacturer may maintain a business website that contains the following information: the medical cannabis manufacturer name, the distribution facility location, the contact information, the distribution facility’s hours of operation, the medical cannabis products provided, product pricing, and other information as approved by the commissioner.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

  • Promote responsible use: Ads should not suggest overconsumption.
  • No under-21 depictions: Ads must not show individuals under 21 consuming cannabis.
  • Avoid content appealing to minors: Exclude cartoons, toys, or any elements attracting those under 21.
  • Include required warnings: Ensure ads have clear health and impairment warnings.
  • Restrict outdoor ads: Only allow limited signage on business property.


Section 342.64 - ADVERTISEMENT

Subdivision 1. Limitations applicable to all advertisements.

Cannabis businesses, hemp businesses, and other persons shall not publish or cause to be published an advertisement for a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product in a manner that:

(1) contains false or misleading statements;

(2) contains unverified claims about the health or therapeutic benefits or effects of consuming cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product;

(3) promotes the overconsumption of cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product;

(4) depicts a person under 21 years of age consuming cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product; or

(5) includes an image designed or likely to appeal to individuals under 21 years of age, including cartoons, toys, animals, or children, or any other likeness to images, characters, or phrases that is designed to be appealing to individuals under 21 years of age or encourage consumption by individuals under 21 years of age; and

(6) does not contain a warning as specified by the office regarding impairment and health risks.

Subd. 2. Outdoor advertisements; cannabis business signs.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), an outdoor advertisement of a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product is prohibited.

(b) Cannabis businesses and hemp businesses may erect up to two fixed outdoor signs on the exterior of the building or property of the cannabis business or hemp business.

(c) The prohibition under paragraph (a) does not apply to an outdoor advertisement for a hemp business, or the goods or services the business offers, that is not related to the manufacture or sale of lower-potency hemp edibles and does not include an image, description, or any reference to the manufacture or sale of lower-potency hemp edibles.

Subd. 3. Audience under 21 years of age.

Except as provided in subdivision 2, a cannabis business, hemp business, or other person shall not publish or cause to be published an advertisement for a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product in any print publication or on radio, television, or any other medium if 30 percent or more of the audience of that medium is reasonably expected to be individuals who are under 21 years of age, as determined by reliable, current audience composition data.

Subd. 4. Certain unsolicited advertising.

A cannabis business, hemp business, or another person shall not utilize unsolicited pop-up advertisements on the internet to advertise a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product.

Subd. 5. Advertising using direct, individualized communication or dialogue.

Before a cannabis business, hemp business, or another person may advertise a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product through direct, individualized communication or dialogue controlled by the cannabis business, hemp business, or other person, the cannabis business, hemp business, or other person must use a method of age affirmation to verify that the recipient of the direct, individualized communication or dialogue is 21 years of age or older. For purposes of this subdivision, the method of age affirmation may include user confirmation, birth date disclosure, or another similar registration method.

Subd. 6. Advertising using location-based devices.

A cannabis business, hemp business, or another person shall not advertise a cannabis business, a hemp business, cannabis flower, a cannabis product, a lower-potency hemp edible, or a hemp-derived consumer product with advertising directed toward location-based devices, including but not limited to cellular telephones, unless the owner of the device is 21 years of age or older.


Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.