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State by State Background

New Mexico Cannabis Advertising Laws

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New Mexico State Advertising Regulations

The state of New Mexico does not currently have cannabis advertising regulations.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

  • Cannot contain symbols or images commonly used to market products to minors, including celebrity likenesses.
  • Cannot use predatory marketing practices targeting minors.
  • Cannot mimic any other product brand.
  • Cannot promote the overconsumption of cannabis or cannabis products.
  • Cannot depict the actual consumption of cannabis or cannabis products.
  • Synopsis:

    A. Required Practices. The following practices are required in all advertising and marketing activities:

    (1)Responsible persons. All advertisements and marketing for cannabis products shall accurately and legibly identify all licensees or organizations who are responsible for the proliferation of the advertisement or marketing activity.

    (2)Reasonable expectation of audience age. All advertisements in print and digital communications shall only be placed in areas where at least seventy percent of the audience is reasonably expected to be 21 years of age or older as determined by reliable, current audience composition data. For the purposes of this section, "reliable, current audience composition data" means data regarding the age and location demographics of the audience viewing a particular advertising or marketing medium. Immediately upon request, a licensee shall provide to the division audience composition data as required in this section for advertising or marketing placed by the licensee. If the audience composition data for advertising or marketing provided by a licensee does not comply with the requirements of this section, or the licensee fails to provide audience composition data to the division upon request, the licensee shall remove the advertising or marketing placement in question.

    (3)Statements and warnings: Any advertising or marketing materials created for viewing by the public shall include the statement "Please Consume Responsibly" in a conspicuous manner on the face of the advertisement and shall include the following warnings that must be in type size at least ten percent of the largest type used in the advertisement:

    (a) for use only by adults 21 and older;

    (b) keep out of reach of children;

    (c) this product is not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, effectiveness, and quality;

    (d) do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the influence of cannabis; and

    (e) there may be long term adverse health effects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

    B.Prohibited practices. Advertising and marketing activities of cannabis products shall not:

    (1) occur on radio, television or other broadcast media, internet pop-ups and mass transit vehicles. The division shall not prohibit advertising and marketing activities on these forums where:

    (a) subscribers of subscription-based radio, television or other broadcast media are 21 years of age or older; or

    (b) persons 21 years of age or older have solicited the advertising or marketing activities.

    (2) be done in such a manner that is deemed to be is deceptive, misleading, false or fraudulent, or that tends to deceive or create a misleading impression, whether directly or by omission or ambiguity;

    (3) make unproven health benefit claims and any health benefit claims must be supported by substantial evidence or substantial clinical data;

    (4) be on billboards, posters, handbills or other visual media that are located or can be viewed within 300 feet of a school, daycare center or church;

    (5) contain symbols or images, including a celebrity or celebrity likeness, that are commonly used to market products to minors;

    (6) use predatory marketing or advertising practices targeting minors; and

    (7) be designed to mimic any other product brand;

    (8) promote the over consumption of cannabis or cannabis products; or

    (9) depict the actual consumption of cannabis or cannabis products.


    Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.