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Unlock the Power of Programmatic Advertising

Transform your cannabis or regulated business with data-driven, compliant advertising strategies.

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Boost Engagement With Consumers

What You’ll Learn

We break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons, empowering you to grow your business with confidence.

develop scalable media plans

Develop scalable media plans

highly targeted audiences and campaigns

Highly Targeted Audiences and Campaigns

prove revenue attribution

Prove Revenue Attribution

optimization strategies

Optimization Strategies

3 Week Course, Just Two Emails Per Week

All you have to do is open and read.
Hit reply if you have questions for real life support.

Programmatic Ads: Your Secret Weapon in Cannabis Marketing!

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Learn about the programmatic landscape, from DSPs, SSPs, to DMPs and beyond.

Benefits of Programmatic In The Cannabis Industry

Reach targeted audiences more efficiently, optimizing ad spend, and navigating regulatory challenges with precision.

Building Your eCommerce Marketing Funnel

Outline the stages a customer goes through from awareness to purchase, helping businesses guide prospects toward conversion.

When to Launch Programmatic Ads

Identify digital assets and strategies needed to execute a successful launch, when to scale campaigns, reach specific audiences, and optimize your budget for better returns.

Understanding Revenue Attribution

Analyze the customer journey to determine which touchpoints contributed to a sale, plus tools to prove revenue attribution.

Programmatic Ads

Geo-Targeting Secrets: Reach & Retain Your Best Cannabis Customers

Defining Campaign Goals

Are you prospecting or retargeting, retaining current customers, generating brand awareness? Define your best audiences for objectives, and learn to tailor the message and creative for optimum results.

The Power of Data

Data plays a crucial role in advertising by enabling more precise targeting, optimizing campaigns, and measuring effectiveness, ultimately driving better results.

Audience Building Tactics

Building audiences and implementing geotargeting strategies involves identifying and segmenting potential customers based on demographics, behavior, and location to deliver more relevant and effective advertising.

Effective Ad Creatives

Creatives are the visual and textual elements of an ad campaign that convey the brand message and engage the target audience.

Optimized Landing Pages

Landing pages should be optimized to encourage conversions and achieve campaign objectives.

Geo-Targeting vs. Geo-Framing

From radius targeting, competitor conquesting, landmarks and events to lookback audiences, and more.

Advanced Retargeting Strategies

Build retargeting segments based on past website behavior, set up tracking pixels to collect data and re-engage with targeted ads.

Geo Targeting Secrets

Optimization Strategies for Programmatic Campaigns

Different Types of Testing Including: A/B Testing

Testing for incrementality - Geo holdouts, looking at lift and understanding mix.

A/B test hold out audiences / creatives / multi variant testing

Performance Metrics

Track key metrics like CTR, conversion rates, and ROAS to understand and improve campaign effectiveness.

Audience Refinement

Continuously refine audience segments based on performance data to enhance ad efficiency and conversion rates.

Inventory Refinement

Regularly assess and optimize ad placements across websites, apps, and platforms to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Ad Frequency

Balance ad frequency to avoid both underexposure and ad fatigue, ensuring your audience stays engaged.

PMP Benefits / Drawbacks

Private Marketplace (PMP) deals offer exclusive access to premium inventory and greater transparency, but they come with higher costs and limited scalability. In this section, we’ll cover the key benefits and drawbacks of PMP, helping you determine whether it’s the right approach for your media strategy.

Optimization Strategies for Programmatic Campaigns

eCommerce Marketing Funnels

Building Your eCommerce Marketing Funnel

Outline the stages a customer goes through from awareness to purchase, helping businesses guide prospects toward conversion.

Top of Funnel (TOFU): Awareness

Attract potential customers and create awareness of your brand. This stage focuses on broad outreach through content that educates or entertains, drawing in a wide audience that may not yet be familiar with your offerings.

Middle of Funnel (MOFU): Consideration

Objective is to nurture leads by providing them with valuable information that helps them consider your products or services. This is where you build trust through detailed content.

Bottom of Funnel (BOFU): Conversion

Convert leads into customers. This stage involves direct calls to action, such as special offers, free trials, and clear, compelling reasons to make a purchase, tailored to those ready to make a decision.

Post-Purchase: Loyalty and Advocacy

Post sale strategies: excellent customer service, personalized follow-ups, loyalty programs, and encouraging customers to share their positive experiences.

Equity and Trust

Building equity and trust with your audience is foundational to the funnel.

Flipping The Funnel on its Head

Earning your way up the funnel

E-commerce Marketing Funnels

Scalable Media Plans

Building Comprehensive Media Plans

Identify key objectives, set measurable goals, and select the appropriate channels to reach your target audience, learn to adjust for market conditions and brand evolution.

Display, Online Video, CTV, DOOH Strategies

Scalable media plans should incorporate a mix of platforms and tactics. From driving brand awareness to revenue and retention, learn the top media mix from our expert team.

Tailored Plans For Dispensaries, Delivery Services, Brands, and MSOs

Tailoring media plans to the specific needs of each business type ensures that your strategies are effective and scalable as your business grows.

Scalable Media Plans

Managed vs. Self-Service Options

Choosing the Right Approach for Your Business

When it comes to programmatic advertising, choosing between a managed service and a self-service option is crucial.

Access to Our Dashboard for Hands-On Experience

For businesses opting for a self-service model, we provide access to our advanced dashboard, offering a hands-on experience in managing your campaigns.

Managed vs Self Service Options

4 Week Course, Just Two Emails Per Week

All you have to do is open and read.
Hit reply if you have questions for real life support.

Week 1

Introduction to Programmatic Advertising
  • What is programmatic advertising?
  • Benefits of programmatic in the cannabis industry.
  • Understanding marketing attribution and revenue proof.

Week 2

Leveraging Data and Audiences
  • The power of data in advertising.
  • Creatives, landing pages, campaign ideas, Live QA support
  • Building audiences and geotargeting strategies.
  • Retargeting Audience; How to build segments and collect website visitors via pixel

Week 3

Optimization Strategies for Programmatic Campaigns
  • Different types of testing including: A/B Testing 
  • Testing for incrementality - Geo hold outs and looking at lift and understanding that mix.
  • Usually not enough budget to segment list. Rely’s on defined MAIDs and Cookies to shortens audiences. 
  • A/B test hold out audiences / creatives
       -One retargeting audience seeing old creative and others seeing the new. Expensive. 
       -Multi variant testing.
  • Performance metrics
  • Audience Refinement
  • Ad frequency

Week 4

E-commerce Marketing Funnels
  • Top of Funnel (TOFU): Awareness
  • Middle of Funnel (MOFU): Consideration
  • Bottom of Funnel (BOFU): Conversion
  • Post-Purchase: Loyalty and Advocacy
         -Equity, trust
  • Flip the funnel on its head and earn your way up with a solid budget and revenue and invest in the brand awareness.

Week 5

Scalable Media Plans
  • Building comprehensive media plans.
  • Display, Video, CTV, DOOH strategies.
  • Bottom of Funnel (BOFU): Conversion

Week 6

Managed vs. Self-Service Options
  • Choosing the right approach for your business.
  • Access to our dashboard for hands-on experience.

Elevate Your Business with Programmatic Advertising

Enroll in our FREE now to master data-driven strategies that drive real revenue results.