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State by State Background

Montana Cannabis Advertising Laws

Download the State By State Cannabis Ad Regulations Ebook

Montana State Advertising Regulations

Licensees are permitted to promote their business and market their brand but are restricted to advertising marijuana or marijuana products only through electronic means. Advertising is defined as any communication intended to directly induce the purchase or consumption of marijuana products, including the promotion of special pricing or discounts. However, branding and marketing activities that do not specifically reference marijuana products are allowed. Outdoor signage can include the words "marijuana" or "cannabis," but must not use colloquial terms, imagery of marijuana or its products, or any representations that suggest the presence of marijuana, such as smoke or edibles. Additionally, all outdoor signage must comply with local sign ordinances.

Websites and social media accounts for marijuana businesses must ensure that all visitors and followers are 21 years of age or older. This includes using age verification methods on websites and maintaining private social media accounts with clear notices about age restrictions. QR codes in electronic advertising must also lead to content that verifies users are of legal age. Traditional advertising methods like television, radio, print media, and billboards are prohibited. Furthermore, any signage or advertisements that claim marijuana products are safe, or that might appeal to youth, such as using toys, cartoons, or commercial mascots near a marijuana business, are not allowed.

Certain exceptions apply to these rules. Informational pamphlets and business cards can be used at marijuana trade conferences, provided no marijuana products are sold outside of licensed premises. Marijuana businesses are also allowed to claim that their products have been tested by a licensed laboratory, even though other safety claims are prohibited. These guidelines are designed to ensure that advertising remains responsible, compliant with regulations, and does not appeal to underage individuals.

Discounts / Promotions:


Creative Guidelines:

  • Responsible Imagery: Avoid using any imagery that includes or suggests the presence of marijuana, such as smoke, plants, or edibles. No images or visual representations of marijuana paraphernalia are allowed.
  • No Colloquial Terms: Refrain from using slang like "pot," "weed," or "reefer" in any form of advertising or signage. Stick to the terms "marijuana" or "cannabis" only.
  • Clear Branding: Focus on brand identity and values without directly referencing specific marijuana products in marketing efforts.
  • Limited Colors: Packaging should use a limited color palette, including a primary color and up to two logos or symbols in different colors. The word “Marijuana” must be the most prominent text.


42.39.123    ADVERTISING

(1) A licensee may promote its business and market its brand but may not advertise marijuana or marijuana products except in electronic advertising.

(2) "Advertise or advertising" means the publication, dissemination, solicitation, or circulation of visual, oral, or written communication to directly induce any person to purchase or consume marijuana or marijuana products. Advertising does not include branding, marketing, or packaging and labeling of marijuana and marijuana products.

(3) "Billboard" means a sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment, or attraction sold, offered, or existing elsewhere than upon the same premises where such sign is displayed.

(4) A licensee may use the phrase "marijuana" or "cannabis" in its signage or in its electronic advertising.

(5) A licensee's outdoor signage may not use colloquial terms for marijuana or marijuana products (e.g., pot, reefer, ganja, weed) and may not use an image or visual representation of useable marijuana, marijuana-infused products, marijuana concentrates, marijuana paraphernalia, or an image that indicates the presence of a product such as smoke, edibles, etc.

(6) A licensee's outdoor signage must comply with any applicable local jurisdiction sign ordinances and regulations.

(7) A marijuana business that maintains a webpage must utilize appropriate measures to verify that individuals visiting the webpage are 21 years of age or older.

(8) Marijuana business social media accounts that advertise marijuana or marijuana products must be private and must contain a clearly visible notice on the main page stating that only persons 21 years of age or older may follow the account.

(9) A marijuana business may not:

(a) engage in advertising via marketing directed towards location-based devices, including, but not limited to cellular phones, unless users affirmatively opt-in to receiving push notifications related to marijuana or marijuana-related products;

(b) utilize unsolicited pop-up or push-to advertising on the internet;

(c) advertise on television, radio, or in print such as newspapers, magazines, flyers, and mailers;

(d) engage in advertising or utilize signage that asserts its products are safe;

(e) utilize a billboard;

(f) use objects such as toys or inflatables, movie or cartoon characters, or any other depiction or image likely to be appealing to youth, where the objects, images, or depictions indicate an intent to cause youth to become interested in the purchase or consumption of marijuana products; or

(g) use or employ a commercial mascot outside of, and in proximity to, a licensed marijuana business. A "commercial mascot" means a live human being, animal, or mechanical device used for attracting the attention of motorists and passersby so as to make them aware of marijuana products or the presence of a marijuana business. Commercial mascots include, but are not limited to, inflatable tube displays, persons in costume, or wearing, holding, or spinning a sign with a marijuana-related commercial message or image, where the intent is to draw attention to a marijuana business or its products.

(10) The prohibition in (9)(c) does not prohibit the use of informational pamphlets for dissemination at marijuana trade conferences or the use or distribution of business cards.

(11) The prohibition in (9)(d) does not prohibit a marijuana business from asserting that its products have been tested by a licensed marijuana testing laboratory.


Please note that we are not legal professionals, and the information provided in this article should not be interpreted as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.