SEO Essentials: Are You Ready for Google Core Update?

Google Core Update: A Chance to Correct a Disappointing Revamp?
Google’s last core update came in May of 2020, and judging from most industry-watchers’ reviews, it was a disappointment.
As a commentary from analyst Roger Montti explains, when the May 2020 core update was complete, large brands like Amazon tended to rank in the top search engine results page (SERPS) positions across a wide range of keywords.
What’s more, social media platforms like Pinterest had gained far more prominence. For those of us searching for inspiration, that could actually be meaningful. For those of us searching for a “dispensary near me” or hoping that customers run that search, quite the opposite.
Finally, there was the perception that in tailoring SERPS towards user expectations—a stance the company largely embraces—Google had unwittingly tipped the results too far into a “Quarantine Bump.” In this scenario, users stuck at home and hungry for distraction would be more likely to get results favoring sites like eBay and Etsy.
So, that’s the current landscape. What can we hope for from the next core update (and how can we prepare)? Here are some thoughts.
Google Core Update: Hope For a Welcome Course Correction
Google doesn’t typically reveal a ton of details about coming core updates. After all, with a market share exceeding 86% in the search engine game, it doesn’t have to. But while we don’t know the precise timing of the next core update, we can share a few important details.
Earlier this year, Google announced a new ranking factor called the “Page Experience signal.” In essence, it’s designed to favor what the company calls a “great page experience.” Some of the factors that will impact this ranking include:
- Is loading performance acceptable?
- Is the site interactive and visually stable?
- Is the site mobile-friendly?
- Are there pop-ups or other “interstitials” that interfere with the user experience?
- Is the site secure in terms of user data?
There are other factors as well, some of which Google will probably never reveal. Many of these may sound self-evident, and many of them are ones we’ve already nudged our readers about adopting. But in taking what’s called an object-oriented approach towards scoring—in other words, treating each factor as a separate entity with its own score, then tabulating a final score—Google hopes to make its SERPs even more usable, stable, and intuitive.
Again, Google hasn’t yet announced a date for the next core update. But it has said it will give site owners a six-month heads-up before rolling out the update. That puts us into May 2021 at the very earliest. Now, the question is: What do we do about it?
Google Core Update: How MediaJel Audits Your Site to Help You Prepare
With these hints about what’s coming, you should have plenty of time to optimize your site so that you can hit the ground running after the next core update.

Planning for an update can be a bit of a head-scratcher. That’s why—once the timing of the next core update is finally announced—MediaJel will be proactively auditing all our clients’ websites. As we’ve written before, taking care of the “back end” of your web presence is every bit as important as the “fun stuff.” You know, the content marketing, customer loyalty outreach, people-skill building, and other face-to-face efforts that make running a business so rewarding.
When this happens, it’ll be a great time to check in and see how your website is performing, and where there may be room for improvement.
Because our success depends upon your success, it’s all in a day’s work for us.
Do you have more questions about the Google core update or how to optimize your dispensary website for results that exceed expectations?
You know how to reach us.