Call to Action Examples for Your Cannabis Dispensary Website

Website CTAs CTA nurture leads CTA social sharing CTA promote events

Call to Action Lead to Product Discovery

When someone is exploring your website, it is a good idea to make it as easy as possible for them to find new products or learn new information.

These kinds of CTAs should not be obnoxiously attention-grabbing. The last thing you want is to have them negatively affect a user’s experience on your site. Instead, these CTAs should work to guide a user deeper into your product catalog.

Oftentimes the copy used in this kind of call-to-action seeks to stimulate curiosity. Using words like ‘discover,’ ‘explore,’ and ‘new’ can make these kinds of calls more powerful.

CTAs to Generate and Nurture Leads.

CTAs are a crucial part of generating leads from your dispensary’s website. Lead-generating calls-to-action should primarily be featured on pages that attract new visitors to your site.

Usually, this means landing pages, blog posts, or other pages that attract organic traffic. However, these calls also commonly appear on menu sidebars, at the bottom of pages, and even as floating banners or pop-ups.

call to action magnet and paper cutout people

In order to be effective, these kinds of CTAs must be eye-catching and compelling. However, overusing them, or relying on overly-aggressive copy, can produce the opposite effect. The copy in these calls typically encourages viewers to remain engaged by using terms like “learn more,” “register now,” and “sign-up.”

Once you have generated those leads, you will need to nurture them in order to push them along the purchase funnel. Lead nurturing CTAs usually encourage people to try out products or services in the form of a “free trial,” a “product demo,”, or a “free quote.”

Social Sharing Call to Action

Some of the simplest and most common calls-to-action are those that inspire visitors to share a website’s content on social media.

call to action sharing engagement on phone

In order to be effective, these types of CTAs must be placed in positions that make sense. For example, they tend to be most effective at the end of a blog post or as an attachment to other pieces of content. Make sure to avoid attaching these kinds of CTAs to any kind of personal or identifiable information as this may make visitors uncomfortable.

These kinds of CTAs are very flexible and customizable depending on your social media strategy and goals.

High-Converting Call-To-Action

Once your leads are captured and nurtured, you will need a call-to-action that consistently closes the sale. These kinds of sales-focused CTAs seek to get the audience to commit to a product or service right then and there.

These types of calls most commonly appear on product pages and menus. However, their positioning is really quite flexible. For instance, if a blog post discusses a specific item or service, the CTA can also be placed there so as to drive the conversion.

The copy in these calls uses direct language like “buy now” or “contact now” to drive immediate action.

CTAs for Promoting Events or Developments

Calls-to-action can also be used to draw attention to events that your dispensary may be hosting or promoting. Event promotion CTAs should be used to raise awareness, encourage sharing of the event on social media, and drive ticket sales (if applicable).

call to action sign up now

Placement is key for CTAs that promote specific events. Where they are placed will determine who exactly the event is being promoted to. For example, placing one on a blog post will promote the event to organic traffic, whereas placing one on your checkout page will specifically promote it to paying customers.

The copy of these calls should encourage visitors to ‘learn more’ about an event, find out how they can ‘register now,’ or even how they can ‘save now’ by registering ASAP.

Need help crafting your calls-to-action? Ready to give your website a facelift? See how MediaJel's website themes can boost your image.

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
August 15, 2019