How iFrames Can Lower Your Website’s Bounce Rate Right Now

Bounce Rate for iFrames|Bounce Rate

What Is Bounce Rate and Why Does it Matter?

"Bounce rate" is a term that refers to the rate at which visitors leave your website after viewing just one page. If a visitor does not interact or engage with a page and visits only one page before leaving your site, they are considered to have "bounced."

Bounce rate is a metric that is commonly used to measure the quality of a website and/or its visitors. A high rate could be indicative of a low-quality site or of a site that is attracting the wrong kind of visitors (who are then leaving immediately).

It's not really known for sure if this metric directly contributes to a website’s SEO. However, closely analyzing your site’s bounce rate can give you a better idea of where improvements may be required. By better understanding and improving the user experience, your site’s SEO will naturally benefit.

What Are iFrames?

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iFrames, also known as inline frames, are an HTML element that can help webmasters better manage content and links. iFrames are rectangular boxes (frames) that are used to display content from other webpages. An inline frame effectively embeds one webpage into another, keeping webmasters from having to rely on links.

How Can iFrames Affect Your Website’s Bounce Rate?

iFrames can work to keep people on your website for longer. In many cases, the content, design, or speed of a website may cause someone to suddenly leave it. However, other times it's simply impossible to present all of the information you want to without linking to another site and causing a visitor to leave.

One possible solution is to simply duplicate the content you would link to on your site. In fact, Google itself has stated that something like 25% - 30% of the internet is duplicate content.

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However, avoiding duplicate content whenever possible is always a good idea as it could potentially harm the SEO of your page and the reputation of your brand. In these situations, iFrames can be relied upon to display external information internally, while still acknowledging the initial source.

One way that iFrames may be able to help a dispensary page’s bounce rate is by displaying external menus internally instead of linking out to them (and losing traffic in the process). Instead of linking out to your menu page, consider embedding the menu directly into your website as a way to keep visitors from leaving.

What Else Can You Do To Lower Bounce Rate?

Apart from integrating iFrames, there are several other things that you can do to lower the bounce rate of your website.
For instance, try front-loading your content and making it clearer in order to attract attention more quickly and keep it for longer.

Speeding up your site however possible and making it more mobile-friendly can greatly improve the user experience and eliminate possible frustrations.

Also, consider whether your website design is truly working for you. At MediaJel, we've created WordPress themes for dispensaries that are designed to convert. Set up a strategy session now to learn more!

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
August 6, 2020