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Search Lights

advertising platform

Self-Service Programmatic Advertising Platform designed for eCommerce and Regulated Businesses to take control of their media buys with full revenue tracking.


Built to streamline your programmatic advertising campaigns, Search Lights ensures precision-targeted, compliant campaigns across mainstream websites and apps.


$500 /month

Inventory: Basic Regulated Approved
Geo: Retail Location Radius or 2 Zip Codes
Device Targeting: Mobile
Compliance: 90% LDA Compliant
Data: 21+ Audiences
Ad Type: Display (Static)
CPM: $7


$1,500 /month

Inventory: Essential + Premium Mix
Geo: Essential + Competitor Targeting
Device Targeting: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
Compliance: 90% LDA Compliant
Data: Essential • 3rd Party Data Segments
Ad Type: Display (Animated Gif)
CPM: $7 - $12 (Inventory Dependent)
Bonus: One email check-in per month


$2,500 /month

Inventory: Pro + Semantic Contextual
Geo: Open Targeting
Device Targeting: Pro + DOOH
Compliance: 90% LDA Compliant
Data: First + Third-Party Data + Lookalikes
Ad Type: Display • Video
CPM: $7 - $30 (Inventory Dependent)
Bonus: One Strategy Call Per Month


24-7 Access to Analytics Dashboard
Ad Budget Boost
Pre-Launch Compliancy Check
eComm Conversion Pixel
Buyer Journey Visibility
Chat Support

Add Ons

Email Strategy Check-In
Monthly Reporting Call
Landing Page Design
Funnel Analysis
Creative Design
Demograph Audience Builder
Data Enrichment
Lookalike Audiences
Email Hashing
mainstrem website and apps
verified 21+ profile
behavioral date points
data attributes

1. Build Your Audience

Upload your first-party CRM data or build audience segments using our 21+ age-verified third-party data. 

mainstream website and apps
verified 21+ profile
behavioral date points
data attributes
A city at night with a lot of connected lines.

2. Map Your Geotargets

Draw a polygon on our map, or select zip codes, DMAs, entire cities, multiple states, or go nationwide. Whether as small as one store, or as big as all 50 states, deliver ads compliantly to the regions where your customers live. 

3. Select Your Inventory

Choose from over 75k+ mainstream websites and apps to ensure your ads appear in the most effective and relevant contexts. Whether you’re targeting specific websites, mobile apps, or connected TV platforms, Search Lights gives you the flexibility to select the inventory that best aligns with your campaign goals.

Running regulated campaigns for cannabis, alcohol, CBD? Our platform ensures all inventory and creatives are compliant and verified, providing you peace of mind and optimal reach.

Select your inventory

4. Get Creative

Whether it’s a static image, animated gif, or video, our in platform creative tool provides dimensions and files sizes so you can design and launch your creatives with the push of a button.

5. Select Device

Specify the devices you prefer for displaying your ad: mobile, tablet, desktop, or opt for all options.

A computer, phone, and tablet all displaying news.

The DIY that Pays Off: Self-Service Advertising

  • Simplified Ad Buying: Maximize campaign success and quickly launch A/B ad variations, targeting options, and messaging.

  • Transparent Reporting: 24-7 access to live attribution dashboard. Track KPIs: Impressions, CTR, Ad Spend, Revenue, ROAS, Customers, and Sign Ups.

  • Robust Data Insights: View which ad creatives and inventory are garnering the most engagement and clicks.

  • Buyer Journey Visibility: View the buyer’s non-linear journey and see which creatives and publishers drove transactions.



The Ultimate Tool For Hands-On Advertising Management

Streamlined Campaign Management

Simplified ad optimization with easy to upload creatives, audience shifts, and inventory or budget updates saving you time and effort.

Tiered Spending Options

Flexible budget management, ensuring your spend aligns with your marketing goals.

No SaaS Fees

All dollars spent go toward your ad budget, no hidden fees.

Mainstream Ad Inventory

Provides regulated businesses opportunity to reach audiences through mainstream inventory.

Age-Verified Compliant Data & Inventory

Ensures your ads are only seen by the appropriate, legally compliant households.

Pre-Launch Compliance & Brand Safety Check

Guarantees that your campaign meets all regulatory and brand safety standards before launch.

Track Critical KPIs

Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Revenue, Sign Ups, ROAS, and more. Easily measure the success of your campaigns.

eComm Conversion Tracking

Enables tracking of eCommerce conversions to understand the effectiveness of your ads in driving sales.

Real-Time Optimization Available: A/B Testing

Immediate adjustments and A/B testing to enhance campaign performance.

Scale Fast with Performance Transparency

Facilitates rapid scaling of successful campaigns with clear performance insights.

Intuitive Interface with Embedded Tutorials

Easy-to-use platform with built-in tutorials to guide you through every step.

Chat Support

Assistance to resolve any issues or answer questions promptly.

Learn To Tap Into Your Campaign's Hidden Potential!

Need guidance or hands-on support? Explore our managed service for expert assistance in launching your campaigns with precision and ease.

Contact us today to elevate your marketing strategy and achieve optimal results in the competitive landscape.