Content Marketing

How a Cannabis Blog Can Help Your Dispensary

Cannabis blog|Cannabis blog woman thinking

Why Bother With a Cannabis Blog?

Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to provide search users with access to high-quality content. Since Google’s very first major algorithm update in 2003, the search engine has worked to pull relevant, valuable content to the top, and push low-quality content out of sight.

Having an on-site blog filled with interesting, engaging, and targeted content is one way to help your site rank on search engines like Google. A cannabis blog is an excellent content marketing tool that can draw in organic traffic and directly influence purchasing decisions. Content that stretches across the entire buyer’s journey and purchase funnel can capture leads, make sales, and grow revenue.

cannabis blog

Content can give a direct boost to SEO. Blog content is a great tool for pushing the needle on SEO rankings because it both adds contextual relevance and attracts meaningful links. Authoritative content can attract inbound links over time, boosting your site’s overall SEO link value.

Producing interesting content can also allow you to integrate content marketing into your social media. Attractive content can be shared over social media, helping you capture more leads and a larger audience.

According to a 2018 survey, 82% of smartphone users consult their phones on purchases they are about to make in-store, and 45% read reviews before making a purchase. Having a well-developed blog that can demonstrate knowledge, build trust, and influence purchasing decisions can encourage potential customers to spend at your dispensary instead of other local competitors.

Content Marketing Engages Potential Customers

A cannabis blog provides your business with another opportunity to provide value for visitors and potential customers. By providing site visitors with entertainment, information, and answers to their problems and curiosities, you can build a trusting quid-pro-quo relationship that keeps them coming back.

It’s important to understand your target demographic and the common pain points and problems that they face. Content that addresses these pain points and pushes customers further down the funnel will get you one step closer to making a sale.

cannabis blog engages potential customer

For example, the top of the funnel can be covered by educational content like blog posts about cannabinoids and terpenes, differences between phenotypes and strains, the benefits of medical cannabis, and other introductory topics.

Content for the middle of the funnel can get more specific in order to nurture consideration and intent. Topics about consumption methods (with links to products), which products to use for which conditions, and about exactly how cannabis works, can function well in the middle of the funnel.

The bottom of the funnel can be covered by topics that are more product and service-oriented. This can include posts about specific products (or types of products), specific brands that may be featured on your dispensary’s shelves, and events, promotions, or special offers that may appeal to potential customers.

Remember to include effective CTA’s (calls-to-action) and links in your bottom-of-the-funnel posts so as to inspire the audience to take immediate action and complete the purchase process.

Content Marketing & Social Media Working In Synergy

Valuable content should be promoted for maximum impact. As previously mentioned, content marketing can be synergized with social media marketing in order to promote content over social media platforms.

Good, interesting content can provide a boost to social media, and vice-versa. While your social media pages drive more traffic to your site’s blog, the content that you share and promote earns your social media pages more viewers and followers.

content marketing and social media synergy

A synchronized content marketing and social media strategy can also work wonders for your dispensary’s brand development and positioning. Consistently interesting, informative, and entertaining content can give your brand value outside of just the products you sell, helping you differentiate yourself from other local dispensaries.

Content that fails to drive leads is simply content. An effective content promotion strategy, or a strategy to drive leads, can push great content to the next level and boost the ROI of your content marketing campaigns.

Ready to get started or just want to learn more? Give us a call!

Written by
Jake Litke
Published on
June 2, 2020