Why Your Dispensary Needs a Cannabis Blog

How a Cannabis Blog Impacts SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of organically generating web traffic from search engines such as Google and Bing. At MediaJel, we perform SEO research to discover what keywords are prime for ranking and should be included in blog posts. We also implement other SEO initiatives such as:

  • Creating a meta description
  • Including internal and external links,
  • Tagging images with ALT text,
  • Creating an optimized SEO title, and
  • Writing a call-to-action at the end of each post.

All of these actions help ensure that quality content will climb in search engine ranking. Plus, because our content is written with your potential customers in mind, it will also serve to educate and empower your target audience.

To rank—and to keep your customers’ interest—blog posts topics should vary. Cannabis users are a diverse bunch, and blog content should reflect this. Come up with a few categories you want to write and post about. For example, your cannabis blog could cover industry news, new products, how-tos, and strain recommendations. If you have a medical dispensary, you can share more information regarding qualifying conditions, new research, and educational pieces about how to effectively use cannabis as medicine.

Of course, not all posts on your cannabis blog have to be about cannabis or your dispensary. Posts about fun outdoor activities in your city, upcoming seasonal events, or best nearby happy hours are also useful to your audience—and they help with all-important local SEO.

Effective Communication with Customers

cannabis blog typing on laptop

Social media is a great way to get out short announcements and keep in touch with customers—but it isn’t the best channel for communicating more in-depth information.

A blog provides your dispensary with a place to share lengthier content such as vendor profiles, strain reviews, and cannabis how-tos. Plus, when someone clicks on your blog link from your social media posts, it will drive your web traffic. Some website visitors may even subscribe to your blog, allowing you to capture their contact information and further market to them via email or text message marketing.

It’s not all just about traffic, though. A blog also serves as a way to legitimize your website and showcase your brand as an authority in the field. A blog gives your business an edge over the competition and could potentially be the difference in obtaining a loyal customer or missing out on a sale.

Picture this: Dispensary A and Dispensary B have similar products and pricing—but Dispensary A’s blog shares info on how to use its products, popular strain reviews, and cannabis news. Dispensary A is adding value to their brand with this info and establishing trust with potential customers, whereas Dispensary B is solely focused on sales. Most customers will likely turn to Dispensary A since their content helps legitimize their business.

Start Your Cannabis Blog Today!

cannabis blog woman at laptop

If done right, your cannabis blog will:

  • Boost your website’s search engine rankings,
  • Effectively communicate with your customers, and
  • Provide a reason for your customers to visit your website again.

All of this contributes to increased opportunities for reaching new customers and retaining existing ones. Not sure where to get started?

Check out our content marketing page for more information on the types of content you should be creating for your dispensary.

Feel like it’s too much work? We understand! Maintaining a blog can be tedious and time-consuming for business owners—so why not offload the work to our dedicated MediaJel content marketing team?

Want to know where your dispensary ranks online? Fill out the form below to get a free Dispensary Audit to see how you can optimize your online presence.

Written by
Published on
February 14, 2019